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302 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 302 Mean?

Area code 302 covers the entire state of Delaware. It is the only area code that serves the area.

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The Details of Area Code 302

Area code 302 is one of the original area codes established in 1947. It covers the entire state of Delaware. 302 is a unique area code in that it is the only area code in the United States that is divided between two states. Most of the 302 area code is in Delaware, but a small portion is in Maryland.

The 302 area code is also unusual because it is one of the few area codes that is not overlaid by another area code.

What Time Zone Is Area Code 302 Located In?

Area code 302 is located in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. This zone is in use during the winter months, from the second Sunday of November to the first Sunday of April. During this time, the clocks in this area are set to the same time as the clocks in New York City.

Phone Number Prefixes In The 302 Area Code