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304 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 304 Mean?

Area code 304 covers the entire state of West Virginia. It has a single overlay (681) that serves the same area.

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The Details of Area Code 304

304 is a area code in the US state of West Virginia. It was created in 1947 as a split from 304. The 304 code covers the entire state of West Virginia.

What Time Zone Is Area Code 304 Located In?

If you're trying to call someone in West Virginia, you'll need to use the area code 304. But what time zone is it in?The 304 area code is located in the Eastern Time Zone. This means that the time zone for the area code is GMT-5. This also means that during Daylight Saving Time, the time zone is GMT-4.

Phone Number Prefixes In The 304 Area Code