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801 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 801 Mean?

Area code 801 is located in Utah and covers Salt Lake City, West Valley City, Provo, West Jordan, and Orem. It has a single overlay (385) that serves the same area.

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The Details of Area Code 801

There are a lot of important details surrounding Area Code 801. This area code is located in the state of Utah and is used by over 1.5 million people. This code was created on October 7, 1997, and it is currently assigned to the state of Utah.

What Time Zone Is Area Code 801 Located In?

If you're looking for the answer to this question, you're in luck! We've got all the information you need right here.801 is located in the Mountain Time Zone. This means that the time in 801 is always one hour behind the time in the Pacific Time Zone and two hours behind the time in the Eastern Time Zone.

For example, if it's noon in Los Angeles (the Pacific Time Zone), it's 11am in Salt Lake City (the Mountain Time Zone) and 10am in New York City (the Eastern Time Zone).

If you're ever unsure what time zone an area code is located in, don't worry! Just enter the area code into the Time Zone Converter on TimeandDate.com, and you'll get all the information you need.

Phone Number Prefixes In The 801 Area Code