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863 Area Code: Location, Time Zone & Phone Lookup

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What Does Area Code 863 Mean?

Area code 863 is located in Florida and covers Lakeland, Winter Haven, and Haines City. It is the only area code that serves the area.

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The Details of Area Code 863

The area code for Polk County, Florida, is 863. This area code covers all of Polk County, including the cities of Lakeland, Winter Haven, and Bartow. If you're looking for someone in Polk County, and you don't know their phone number, you can try looking them up by area code. This can be helpful if you're trying to call someone who doesn't have a phone number listed.The 863 area code was created in 1999. It originally covered just the eastern part of Polk County, but it has since been expanded to cover the entire county. If you're looking for someone in Polk County, and you know their phone number, you can look up the area code to see where they live.

The 863 area code is also used for calling cell phones in parts of Hillsborough and Pasco counties. This can be helpful if you're trying to call someone who lives in a different area code.

If you need to contact someone in Polk County, the 863 area code is the best way to do it.

What Time Zone Is Area Code 863 Located In?

There are many different time zones located in the United States, and each one has its own unique set of rules and regulations. If you're looking for information on the time zone that covers Area Code 863, you've come to the right place.The time zone for Area Code 863 is Eastern Standard Time (EST). This means that the clocks in this area are set to GMT-5:00, which is five hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. EST is also in zone "D" of the Daylight Savings Time schedule, which means that the clocks are moved forward by one hour during the summer months.

If you're ever unsure of what time zone an area code is located in, or need more information on the time zones in the United States, be sure to check out the website timeanddate.com. This website has a wealth of information on time zones around the world, and can help you figure out what time it is where you need it to be.

Phone Number Prefixes In The 863 Area Code