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What Does Area Code 937 Mean?

Area code 937 is the area code for southwestern Ohio except the Cincinnati metro area. It includes the cities of Dayton, Springfield, and Kettering. It is the only area code that serves the area.

  • State: Ohio
  • Major City: Dayton
  • Timezone: Eastern
  • Current Time:
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The Details of Area Code 937

Area code 937 is one of the area codes in Ohio. It was created on July 1, 1996, and it is overlaid on area code 513. Area code 937 covers the southwestern and western parts of Ohio, including the cities of Dayton, Springfield, and Cincinnati. The area code has been in use for more than two decades, and it has seen a few changes in that time. In 2009, area code 937 was overlaid with area code 513. This means that all calls within the 937 area code must be dialed using 10 digits, including the area code.

If you live in the 937 area code, you need to be aware of the new dialing procedure. And if you're traveling to this area code, remember to dial the 10-digit number even if you're just making a local call.

For more information about area code 937, visit the official website at www.area-code-usa.com/937.

What Time Zone Is Area Code 937 Located In?

When it comes to area codes, 937 is one that always seems to create confusion. Located in the Midwest, many people are often surprised to learn that this area code is not located in Ohio. Rather, it is located in the eastern part of the state of Indiana. This can be particularly confusing for those who are not familiar with the area code system and are trying to place a call to someone in the Midwest.What time zone is area code 937 located in? This can be a bit of a tricky question to answer, as the answer depends on which part of 937 you are referencing. The majority of 937 is located in the Eastern Time Zone, but there is a small portion of the code that is located in the Central Time Zone. If you are looking for general information about the time zone that 937 is located in, the answer is the Eastern Time Zone.

Phone Number Prefixes In The 937 Area Code